Can South Africa be saved from Julius Malema?
Well the last time I posted, was when everyone was still saying that Jacob Zuma would never become the president of South Africa, because he had too many criminal and moral allegations against him.
Well Jacob Zuma is president, and nothing has collapsed so far. (Except for all the things that were already collapsing such as our Electricity Grid, Eductation System, Health System, Land bank,SAA and SABC) and minor lapses in the upholding of our justice system, such as the fact that criminals like Shabir Shaik was fraudulantly released on Medical parole. (He was later seen roaming the streets as a free man, and now it is rumoured that he may be the future recipient of a presidential pardon from Zuma. Remember he was convicted of fraud in connection with his dealings with the president himself!)
However, Jacob Zuma's new protoge, Julius Malema is an extremist radical, and ACTIVELY ENDORSED by the president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma.
Malema was a "leader in the making" and worthy of "inheriting the ANC" - Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa.

He is the long time leader of an organisation called the ANC Youth League.
Lets look at a few of his views and utterances to understand the man, and his future plans with the country:
- All mines and many large stock exchange listed companies (some with foreign listings) should be nationalised
- On the scandal of the hermaphrodite athelete Caster Semenya
Background: After Caster Semenya won the woman's 800m world championship gold medal, it was discovered that the management of Athletics South Africa had deliberately lied and conspired to keep secret the fact that her gender tests revealed that she was in fact not a woman (at least not in the traditional medical sense).
Julius Malema had this to say-
"Hermaphrodite, what is that? Somebody tell me, what is hermaphrodite in Pedi? There's no such thing, hermaphrodite, in Pedi.
"So don't impose your hermaphrodite concepts on us.
"You are either a woman or a man. When a child is born you are announcing it's a baby girl or a baby boy. We have never heard in the village a child being projected: 'we are given a hermaphrodite'. There's never been such a thing in the village we come from."
'... don't impose your hermaphrodite concepts on us' |
"You are either a woman or a man. When a child is born you are announcing it's a baby girl or a baby boy. We have never heard in the village a child being projected: 'we are given a hermaphrodite'. There's never been such a thing in the village we come from."
"They can argue about this being determined scientifically, but in the villages we don't see signs, we don't have laboratories. When a child is born, we open its legs and that is the sign we use."
"The imperialists must not impose this on us if they have hermaphrodites where they come from. They must enjoy living with their hermaphrodites, because in South Africa there are no hermaphrodites."
"The imperialists must not impose this on us if they have hermaphrodites where they come from. They must enjoy living with their hermaphrodites, because in South Africa there are no hermaphrodites."
[Editors note: The Pedi word for hermaphrodite is setabane]
Ultimately, Julius Malema immortalised himself with these words answered in an interview:
"He is a woman"
- Malema believes his political opponents should be KILLED
Prof Jansen must be killed
And in this Radio interview with Malema live in person:
Kill for Zuma
- Despite his followers being desperately poor, he is living the high life
How is it financially possible for a (youth) politician to have amased so much wealth?
Especially considering that he only finished high school at the age of 21 while still failing several of his final year subjects.
He throws lavish parties, where countless bottles of Johnie Walker whiskey are emptied, lives in the posh district of Sandton, and drives million rand cars. <- Read how Malema behaves like a hooligan.
See his rich lifestyle:
Well with huge popularity (mostly under the young black majority), and an official endorsement from the current President of South Africa, the stage seems set for Julius Malema to become South Africa's next president.
What can save us from this fate?
Only marginal luck. Maybe he ruins himself. Maybe Zuma will want to rule for a second term. Maybe with his lavish parties and exquisite intelligence he gets himself HIV+. Maybe the public at large will wise up about this fool.
We can only hope.
What is it in our fellow South Africans that make them love leaders of his caliber so much?
Labels: Julius Malema, South Africa, South African President
I agree with one thing that Malema said: "Malema believes his political opponents should be KILLED"
Malema is my (and I'm sure every other white person's) political opponent, therefore Malema should be killed.
The latest comments from the ANC and from Malema has become more and more official.
Saying that Nationalisation is definitely going ahead, and its not going to be pretty.
How we will nationalise the mines:
Showing that the mining minister who said "Mines will not be nationalised" will be marginalised:
Stabane is the pedi/sotho word for a gay person and not a hermaphrodite.
Malema is a very dangerous man and very powerful as well. I fear that if he becomes president (which I believe he will)he will take control of the media and use propaganda to influence the minds of young people and start racism all over again due to his very low education level.
Since I originally posted this article, things got a lot worse with Julius Malema repeatedly singing and saying the equivalent of "Kill White People" in his words "Kill the boer".
For our international readers, the term boer refers to a white farmer, and also to traditional white afrikaans speakings people.
At first this created a huge public outcry as can be expected, then several high ANC (ruling party) spokespeople also responded by defending Malema and saying there is nothing wrong with his utterances.
Since then though (after several white farmer murders) the court has ordered Malema to stop with his inciting and hate speech.
Also another (black) youth organisation PAC (Pan African Congress) youth league said that they were offended about other utterings of Malema, and if he doesn't take back his words they are threatening that he will be found in hospital or the morgue within 5 days. What a fantastic thing - when you allow one person hate speech - you effectively open the way for others.
Luckily though it seems this aspect of the South African judiciary still functions, and so does our constitutional laws protecting human rights, despite the most popular and ruling political party in SA, the ANC, still trying to say its OK to sing "Kill the Boer".
The ANC is planning to appeal the ban on "Kill the boer".
A Pyhrric victory perhaps.
I'm getting so sick of the ANC. So many people are saying that things will change and that the ANC will not be around for much longer, then the same people go and vote for the ANC. I believe it is all the uneducated poor majority of South Africa that is doing this to our country, they think that Malema, ect. because they are uneducated as well will understand them and help them, but they don't see the consequences of their actions because they truly have nothing to lose, only us educated people who have worked for where we are will lose anything.
Just read how he is getting a hero's welcome in Zimbabwe.
As part of the visit the Youth League leader is heading a delegation on a study tour to look at the benefits of nationalisation.
Youth league spokesperson, Magdalene Moonsamy said, “The ANC Youth League is advancing the nationalisation of mines in South Africa."
Somehow Malema thinks that if he takes the mines away from white people it would make the black people white ... ???
Julius Malema, unento encinci.
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