Friday, May 2, 2008

Surviving South Africa

Fighting for your Survival

Whats changed ?
- The laws. Previously the country favoured white people under the well hated "apartheid" system of white minority rule. This has been replaced by ANC (near single -party, black rule), affirmative action and black economic empowerment (BEE).

- The country has rocketed from very low levels of crime, to the highest in the world.

This means that if you are a white person, your world has radically and irrovocably been transformed.

Some of the changes are positive. We all agree that any form of discrimination is unfair. We are also happy with some of the cultural revolution - that things are not as "stiff upperlip" as they used to be.

But, now you are subject to massive reverse discrimination whenever you look for work (affirmative action) or conduct business (BEE legislation).

You are also under constant threat with regards to your safety and your belongings. Everyone knows a close friend or family member that has been affected by serious crime in the past year.

Finally we have to watch helplessly as policicians insist on doing various seemingly crazy things (our Zimbabwe policy, allowing the country to run out of electricity despite the fact that it was predicted 10 years ago, their insistence on shutting down the country's most succesful crime fighting unit "The Scorpions", etc etc....)

This creates a lot of mental stress and anxiety in thinking people. Luckily most people have conditioned themselves to simply tune out, or alternatively bitch and moan and move on.

That is not the approach that I advocate.

You need to ASSESS REALITY, and create a PERSONAL ACTION PLAN to survive and thrive.

If you don't, you are setting yourself up to become a victim through your own inaction.

So, in order to survive South Africa you need to three things:

* Plan for Personal Safety for you and those close to you, and your belongings. Personal Crime Protection Plan (PCP Plan)

* Plan for your economic survival. Your Personal Economic Success Plan (PES Plan)

* Protect your mental sanity, remain positive, don't get sucked into a negative spiral. Personal Stay Positive Plan (PSP Plan)

Notice that I said: "Survive South Africa" and not specifically: "Surviving IN South Africa". For some people the most attractive option may be to find a greener pasture (there are many).

Many other people would be better served by first learning to exploit the opportunities right here in front of them, to the maximum.

Even if you don't believe in the long term future of the country, there exists massive opportunities in the short term, and why not use them as your springboard onto greater things ?

Over the next series of articles we will be addressing each of these elements in more detail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

South Africa is a beautiful country, but it is blighted by crime and the problems associated with affirmative action. The whites are now disciminated against when it comes to employment and often overlooked in favour of an affirmative action candidate.

In my view, all that has happened is there are just as many people living in poverty, but there is now a black elite. It is a pity that the money paid by everyone after the election to re-build South Africa was not put to a more positice use. In addition, when all of these big companies were giving 5% of their business over to a single black conglomerate, they should have considered handing such riches over to a fund to invest in the black areas.

I think the ANC have let down the people they puport to represent, by allowing another elite to emerge, rather than spreading the country's wealth. If they had done the latter, the chanes are crime would have been far less, albeit not completely eradicated.

August 25, 2008 at 6:51 AM  

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