Take the red pil - You are not crazy

Some questions you need to immediately ask yourself
Why did the government try to cover up the crime statistics in South Africa in the early 2000s, by placing a moratorium on the release of all crime statistics ?
Why has the government until recently tried to deny that crime is a problem in South Africa, despite SA having the highest murder and rape rates per 100 000 ?
Why has the government for years denied that HIV causes AIDS, that anti retrovirals are a suitable treatment of AIDS, and then tried to block the distribution of these drugs (the Treatment Action Compaign had to force the government via the courts to take action) ?
Why is the government at the same time:
1. Promoting a policy that gives preference to race over competence, resulting in 1000 0000 highly skilled white people leaving the country
2. Complaining about the lack of skills ?
Why has the government not fired the minister of Health, Manto Tsabalala-Msimang whom after a recent liver transplant has been proved to drink in hospital (medical records obtained by the Sunday Times) and known to have been fired from a prior position of Medical Superintendant due to theft, years ago in Bophutatswana. She is also known for her flawed views on HIV, and scandals at several hospitals (thousands of babies dying, unsafe hospital conditions)... in fact the president commended her for her courageously defending herself against the press!
Why has the government allowed the dire situation in Zimbabwe to continue to spin out of control since the late nineties, since they repossessed white farms (murdering many), bulldozing people's houses down, and creating the worlds highest inflation (approaching 10 000%), the population starving and millions of desperate people illegally entering South Africa.
Why is Telkom, the fixed line monopoly so useless that several hate websites are dedicated to it, and organisations such as the telecoms action group (TAG) have taken out full page adds against it in major business publications ? Why is it in many cases near impossible to get proper internet services, despite Telkom having been identified as the main culprit, nearly 10 years ago already ?
Why are most municipalities and local government structures a complete mess, failing to deliver basic services and steeped in corruption ?
Why has SAA (the government owned airline) been run completely into the ground ?
See sites like www.neverflysaa.com
Why was the planning at the national power operator so flawed that major South African business areas are regularly affected by power cuts ?
Why does the South African government insist on free medical care for all citizens whilst many of the state hospitals are near collapse ?
Why are so many top politicians being investigated for crime and corruption at the moment ?
Why are the mob ties of our national police chief not properly investigated ?
Why do we have exchange controls preventing individuals from taking their money out of the country ?
The reason for these and many others are
1. Sheer incompetence
2. The supposed needs of "Whites" are considered less important than the needs of blacks (the voting majority), such as the redistribution of wealth and affirmative action.
3. We are slowly sinking into a tyrannical state, just like almost any other African country where suffering, despair, poverty, crime and AIDS is rampant.
The system is corrupt and incompetent to the core!
If you are still here (like me), I hope you have a backup escape plan.
There is no swift collapse coming, but neither is their a quick fix to all our woes in the pipeline.
Feeling depressed ?
There is nothing wrong with you.
If you are dumb-founded with the questions above, and questioning your own sanity, or simply confused by the mismatch between your own inner logical mind and the chaos so clearly visible around you in everyday life in South Africa, I can only offer you a small consolation.
The problem is not with you. The system is busted. They ARE out to get you.
Labels: affirmative action, Crime, incompetence, South Africa
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