Monday, August 27, 2007

You bastards will stay poor!

Video Clip: Land Reform - Celebrating in Hope - South Africa

The great South African Land Scandal:

There is plenty of solid, hard evidence: The South African government will "buy" productive white owned farms, hand them over to any black person that makes a claim against it (often times with only anecdotal evidence being sufficient)

Then surprise, the new people that have just been handed prime farms (game farms, lodges, maize farms, dairy farms, wine farms etc) run it quickly into the ground.

There should be no surprise. If you just hand people the fruits of someone else's labour, what do YOU think is going to happen ?

The government has set aggressive targets for land reform - it wants to purchase (or obtain otherwise -- no more willing buyer willing seller) 30% of all registered land in South Africa, and redistribute it to black people.

This process has already resulted in nearly halving South Africa's productive food capacity. In fairness this can't be blamed solely on land redistribution policy. I'm sure the outright murdering of a significant proportion of the white farmers also contributed * (see below).

Of course white farmers are hesitant to make large new investments in their land, because at any moment the government can come along and take it away through a pending land claim.

Instead of handing productive farms over, why not give undeveloped land to our upcoming black farmers, and allow the recipients to develop it (through the usual land bank loans - instead of purchasing productive existing farms with that money) ?

Is this not what the white farmers had to do when they just started out 10-20 years ago ? Why should it be any different today for a black farmer just starting out ?

Indeed: You bastards will stay poor!

Government Sources:

You can see plenty of good intentions despite the flawed concept that "people who work the land deserve to own the land" (Imagine how hard the average Entrepreneur will laugh at that: You deserve to own anything only when you buy it - that is what the free market system is all about)
(Minister of Agriculture)
(Confidence to push ahead with land reform)
(Powerpoint slides - Financing of Land Reform - looks like a well thought out presentation, but dear reader I'll leave it as a challenge to you to spot the problems)

Farm Murders* (White farmers!)

Genocide Watch Report:


Farmers Achilles Tendons slashed,,2-7-1442_1878534,00.html

The farm murder plague:

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2010 World Cup: Catalyst or Catastrophy

South Africa has been awarded the hosting of the 2010 World Cup Soccer, by FIFA.

Multi billion rand facilities are well underway as well as major upgrades to the country's public transport infrastructure.

Safety and Security plans have also been defined which includes some very innovative ideas such as
  • Foreign nation's visitors will be able to identify police officers from their own country at the event (dressed in the official uniforms of that country, conversant in the languages of that country)
  • Spy planes flying overhead, and massive camera monitoring centers and response teams

However, considering that SA is the crime capital of the world, will all of the measures to be implemented really guarantee an acceptible level of risk for our foreign guests ?

Now lets play devils advocate, and examine three seperate doomsday scenarios:

The conspiracy theory guys will love this...

DOOMSDAY SCENARIO 1: FIFA retracts the 2010 from South Africa
Although it has been affirmed that SA will be hosting, there are backup nations on "stand-by" (not officially supported by FIFA) that could take over the hosting should SA not be ready.

Imagine crime does not improve much over the next two years, and lets say that the international community does not buy into our proposed security solutions.

A last minute withdrawel of the 2010 hosting from SA would be catastrophic. We have already sunken billions into the project, and it would be a massive blow to citizen morale.

DOOMSDAY SCENARIO 2: 2010 Becomes a PR disaster
All goes well, and we host the event.
However, despite all the security measures in place, several high profile visitors are raped, murdered and robbed at gun point (common occurances here in SA).

The PR fallout from this could be massive.

The long term damage to SA's reputation would be hard to recover from.

DOOMSDAY SCENARIO 3: 2010 Becomes a financial disaster
Due to the fact the contracts are awared based on race criteria (called economic empowerment or BEE) massive inefficiencies are introduced.

Also we have to spend more on security due to our obnormally high crime situation.

What if, after all the costs are tallied and compared to the financial benifits of 450 000 fans visiting brings to the country, we come out with a BIG MINUS ?

Simply due to inefficiencies and structural problems (security spend) we do not manage to conduct the event at breakeven or better ?

Then SA will be left with a massive debt overhang

Several things could go wrong with 2010. But will they ?

here is another thinking man's blog on the topic:

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Monday, August 20, 2007

100,000 Dead, 1.3mil Assaulted, 1 million leave

This sounds like the typical war-torn country with international attention and refugee status...

However this humanitarian crisis is South Africa.

"...more than 100 000 people were murdered in South Africa in the five previous financial years, nearly 270 000 raped, and 1,3-million seriously assaulted.

More than a million robberies were committed and nearly 450 000 cars stolen."


Now who are all these nameless faceless victims, and how can you be sure this stuff is the real tangible stuff that you can "touch" ?

Read THIS link:
Why I'm fleeing South Africa
by Anne Paton (widow of Alan Paton)
London Sunday Times—DISPATCHES, Sunday, November 29, 1998


Ofcourse I can tell you how many of my friends that have been murdered, the number of times that I had near death experiences due to crime, or how a close friends elderly parents were attacked and attempted rape etc... but I think the above link does justice to the extent of crime in South Africa.

Or perhaps the one below will:

Where Angels Fear To Tread - A True Story

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

SA: Democracy or Idiocracy ?

Do watch the comedy movie titled: Idiocracy starring Luke Wilson.
It projects a future where the world is run by stupid people...

In South Africa the future seems to have arrived, and there is nothing funny about it.

How dare I make such a blunt statement, and who exactly am I taking potshots at here ?

Well lets first start with the voting public of South Africa.

The cornerstone of Democracy is that each and every person is equal and therefore has an equal vote. This means that someone living in a shack, that is illiterate (and therefore never even picks up a newspaper), completely uninformed, under nourished with an IQ of 85 will carry exactly the same weight as someone with a double doctorate in Economics and Political Studies.

Now lets see, which of these two groups are better represented in our population:

"...that of the slightly more than 26
million adults in (people aged 15 and over) about 12 to 13 million of them had less
than a full (grade 9) general education, about 7.4 to 8.5 million of these had less than
grade 7 (often used as a minimum education level indicator of sustainable functional
literacy) and about 2.9 to 4.2 million people had no schooling at all (and were
presumably, by definition, illiterate)."

Now lets look at the people that have been elected by our not-so-smart masses, and have been placed in positions of power to rule over us all and to manage our resources to our collective benefit.

Because I don't have access to all our senior government people's IQ scores, I will simply quote a few words from each or give examples of things that they have done, and let you dear reader decide!

Minister of Health

Manto Tshabalala-Msimang
: Presented beetroot and the african potato as an effective treatment of HIV (as an alternative to anti-retrovirals) at a world health summit. She was also fired from a position of hospital super intendant on account of theft. There are rumours that her recent liver transplant was needed due to excess drinking, and that post her transplant she has been drunk on several occasions.,1,22

Top judge Hlope
Incompetent and Corrupt
See the following:
Racial split over Hlope:

Minister of Justice responds rather inaptly:,2172,115217,00.html

National Police Commissioner
Jackie Selebi: Ties to the mob

Ekurhuleni metro police chief
Robert Mcbride: faces charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, defeating the ends of justice and fraud. McBride also faces alternative charges of reckless or negligent driving, conspiracy and incitement.

Safety and Security MEC (Eastern Cape)
Thobile Mhlahlo: Charges of firing gun in public area whilst drunk, assualting a group of youths, and fails to appear at his court appearances:

Safety and Security Minister
Charles Nqakula

The ex national chairman of the SA Communist party. A communist. Literally.

Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula has provided Parliament with inaccurate crime statistics when replying to questions, the Democratic Alliance (DA) said.
He has also been accused, and later threatened with court action if he keeps refusing to release crime statistics, by the FF+ party.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (CNN) -- Charles Nqakula, South Africa's minister for safety and security, has a message for people complaining about his country's rampant crime rate: You can pack your bags and go.

"The whingers [complainers] can do one of two things. They can continue to whinge until they are blue in the face -- they can be as negative as they want to -- or they can simply leave this country," Nqakula announced during a budget speech to South Africa's parliament in June.

Former deputy president of South Africa
Jacob Zuma: Sacked after allegations and trials relating to corruption and rape.
In his rape trial he alleges his reason for showering after having sex with a woman that he knew to be HIV positive, was ironically to reduce his chances of contracting the disease.

President of South Africa
Thabo Mbeki: Denied HIV causes aids, but later changed his stance. Initially pretented that crime problem was not real but merely a perception. He has been neglecting the crises in Zimbabwe.

The consequences of having incompetent and morally inadequate people elected into positions of power are
- Massive breakdown in services
- Corruption
- Rampant Crime
- Lives destroyed

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Could South Africa become the next Zimbabwe ?

Thabo Mbeki with Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe

Here is a 1994 documentary celebrating the apparent success of democracy in Zimbabwe, just as South Africa was busy deciding wether it should hand over from white-minority rule to true democracy.

This is essential history in video format: <--- a must see!

------> FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SUFFER ONWARD WITH MY INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS..... here is my very limited interpretation....

My interpretation and timeline

1980: Zimbabwe's white minority government hands over control to Democracy under Robert Mugabe
........ Massive period of prosperity and Economic boom
1994: Zimbabwe handled the transition succesfully. Whites and blacks have been integrated in most places, including schools (some whites leave for New Zealand etc)
1997: Corruption and many other problems start surfacing
2000: White farmers no longer welcome
2004: Zim economoy in free fall, Rule of law and Freedom of speech no longer applies
2006: People bailing out left right and center, peoples houses get bulldozed down, Economy decimated

All in all roughly 20 - 24 years to total destruction from hand-over.

Now Compare South Africa

1994: Hand-Over to democracy
1996: Worst fears of whites appear not to have been realised, although small numbers have left the country
1998: Crime starts to be realised as a problem, people protest the fact that the death penalty has been removed
2000: More crime, affirmative action causes more white people to leave, public schools start integrating white and black successfully
..... South Africa experiences largest economic boom in histroy
2005: Wide scale corruption starts to surface, Brain drain becomes a major problem
2006: Government in denial about crime, Government minister says things such as "South Africa can learn a lot about land reform from Zimbabwe"
2007: Crime, Corruption is rampant, Quiet diplomacy with Zimbabwe still intact, Government slowly begins to acknowledge crime as a problem (though not a priority compared to other problems such as poverty)

We are now at a CRITICAL juncture in time.

One of the main flaws in Zimbabwe in my opinion was the forced redistribution of wealth and the resultant breakdown in ethics (suddenly white peoples rights stopped to matter, corruption was OK, we all deserve to get rich quickly because we were oppressed before, etc) not to mention total distruction of opportunities and wealth.

The critics might say that the redistribution was not fast enough, and on too small a scale. Yet as the redistribution of farms clearly illustrated, fast forced redistrobution of assets leads to a destruction of those assets - and more importantly - loss of ethics in society ( i.e. fast unlawful economic gains are given preference over hard work and honesty) .... not to mention loss of opportunities lower down that creates a downward economic spiral

If South Africa decides to choose morality and that means
* Realise that massive redistribution of wealth on a wide scale is a pipe dream
* Crime is attacked head on and stamped out (including corruption)
* Incompetence is weeded out and not tolerated
* All forms of racial discrimination is weeded out
* Capitalistic principles embodied in all areas leading to strong sustainable economic growth
... then all goes well and we go ahead, host 2010, and become one of the worlds miracle nations.

If however South Africa decides that
* We simply need to transform faster and more aggressively (i.e. replacement of white faces, transfer of wealth from white hands to black)
* Crime is not a serious problem and need not be directly addressed
* Ethics and Morals is non-sense: It is fair to discriminate against white people when one wants to "right the wrongs of the past", Widescale corruption and immoral, criminal behaviour from top government officials is acceptable
...then we might be on the exact same trajectory as Zimbabwe

Lets consider that it takes 24 years for an African country to destroy itself once handed over from white minority rule to democracy (calculated from Zim), then we can expect total irriversable melt down in 2018. That is 11 years from now. Within the next 3-5 years is the most critical period, and by then it would be clear which path SA will take.

This junction point coincides roughly with 2010. I believe 2010, if successful, will buy us at least another 2-3 years, even if the government does not fix the critical problems mentioned.

If 2010 fails however (international PR disaster due to killed and raped tourists), or the bid is taken away from South Africa ( e.g. due to crime), then the timeline should continue as projected without extra time, and might actually shorten.

Some mitigating factors that counts in favour of South Africa:
* We've succesfully had two democratic elections (Although Zim appeared to have had the same)
* Freedom of speech is unlikely to dissapear over night
* 2010 World Cup soccer economic boost
* Zimbabwe example that we can look at and learn from about "How not to do it"

Also these examples show the two extreme cases. Extreme success, and Extreme failure.

Is it possible that South Africa achieves neither of these two extremes, and simply continious limping along like a wounded animal for the next 50 years without dying ?

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a Little affirmative action can't hurt ? Just BEE nice!

As South Africans (especially as white South Africans) we have been told by politicians (mostly black) that we should accept unequal employment practices giving preference to black candidates over white candidates (strangely enough this is called equal opportunity employment!)

Is it our duty as white South Africans to right the wrongs of the past ?
To pay the price so to speak, and to just stand aside and make space for previously disadvantages brothers and sisters ?

And for how long ?

The common answer from these politicians has been: "For as long as it takes".

There is very little indication of How Long they think this will be.
It has already been more than 10 years.

Perhaps we can't expect repair an ill of a generation to be overcome in 10 years, but is the solution to still allocate opportunity based on race ? Should we give preference to black people today because 10 years ago we gave preference to whites?

Isn't this merely reverse discrimination ?

Isn't this simply neo-apartheid whereby white people are now reduced to being second class citizens just as black people were during apartheid ?

I have some good questions, but not enough answers, but I'm sure the bloggers will help me out...

CNN: South Africa tries Affirmative

Here is what others are writing on the topic:

AA not working for anyone:

Here's to white economic empowerment:

“Affirmative action is couched in fine words – diversity, talent, merit, opportunity, tolerance, development”.

“But when carried out, it is always punitive. In fact, affirmative action must be punitive. It requires the government to target one group for help because of its race or ethnicity. This means it must target all other groups for punishment. This is the logical flipside of affirmative action, but it is widely ignored. And so affirmative action leads to unintended, (but easy predictable consequences. It increases group conflict, as resentment by the punished groups grows and the demands of the beneficiaries increase. It emphasizes group differences, rather than eliminating them. It discourages effort by the beneficiaries, who come to expect special privileges. And it destroys equality before the law”.

- Don Caldwell in his book No more Martyrs Now

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a No BS account about South Africa

South Africa is a country with a very modern cosmopolitan feel to it.
It some ways the major city centers can feel a bit like a smaller version of New York (if you live around the Johannesburg areas)

It is a country with 11 official languages, approx 50 million people of which the majority are black, but with several million white, indian and coloured people too!

Why is the racial makeup of the country important ?

--- The story of an emerging democracy

Until about 10 years ago, the country was ruled by a system of white rule, labeled "Apartheid" (loosely translated separation or "Separate Development"). Under this system non-whites did not have the right to vote, and where not allowed residence in white neighborhoods, white schools or white universities.

The aparartheid government went to great efforts to create a seperate education for the black population commonly refered to as Bantu education. Also large areas were specially designated for non-white people to live in. These areas where either incorporated "black townships" or given complete autonomoy in the form of seperate "home-lands" such as Bophutatswanna, Lesotho, Swaziland.

Three major forces to change this state of affairs (racial segregation, and second class citizenship for non-whites) played out, over the course of several years and largely in paralel:

* International Pressure in the form of sanctions against South Africa
* Former black power movements such as the African National Congress (ANC - Now the ruling party of South Africa)
* The white ruling party of the time (National Party) itself were undertaking a process of gradual democracy by actions such as releasing Nelson Mandela from prison, and such as creating the negotiation forum (Codesa) which was responsible for the transition into democracy. The ruling NP also was responsible for putting to poll the famous "Yes/No" vote, and the majority of white South Africans at the time voted "Yes" for democracy (equal of rights for blacks)

The combination of the majority of white people in South Africa voting "YES", the ANC exerting pressure through wide scale political unrest (and a lot of behind the scenes work including measures as extreme as terrorist acts), and the whole world effectively speaking out against SA and applying sanctions, collectively caused the fall down of the hated system of Apartheid.

---- Present Day South Africa

I wall label post 1994 as the New South Africa.
We got a new flag, a new national anthem and our first black president (democratically elected Nelson Mandela - well loved and respected by all)

We also got affirmative action policies to ensure that black people would be given preference over white people in the job market.

BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) laws have been created to ensure that primarily companies with black shareholders, black management and contributing to skills development are allowed to participate in government projects.

The system calculates a point score based on these factors, and also points based on the percentage of goods procured from black firms.

This then forces a cascading effect throughout the economy making it very hard for traditionally white owned and managed companies to remain so.

It also has the side effect of making it difficult to appoint people strictly based on merit - because your point score is affected by the number of "previously disadvantaged individuals" (PDI's) you employ at all levels.

The public investment corporation (PIC) which invests amongst other things all government employee pension funds, have used its purchasing power in the market to buy up the shares of publicly traded companies and then using their shareholder power to force these companies to appoint more black directors.

The allocation of licenses for nearly all regulated industries have also started to become subject to being "black enough" and includes
- Telecoms & Broadcasting rights (ICASA is the controlling body)
- Gambling licenses, The National Lotery
- Mineral Rights (So called "New Style" mineral rights only accessible by sufficiently black consortiums)

Massive government funds and support structures of the past have also started to focus in many cases on exclusively funding ONLY black businesses, or using very rigid quota systems.
- Gauteng Enterprise Propeller

Universities and Schools have also been "transformed" (meaning: increase the black consituancy) by Law and ministerial actions.

It is well known fact that most competive fields of study have large "Black Quota" components to them. The result of this is that there are black students allowed to study fields such as medicine with much lower marks than certain white students not allowed entrance...

The same happens in many fields of study.

Another problem that has emerged since SA became democratic is the massive rise in crime. Both anecdotal and numerical evidence exists for this.

In a country with masses of
(mostly black) uneducated, unemployed, uninformed people living in extreme poverty...

well you can predict what can result from this.

The single highest crime rate in the world.

For several years the president of SA (Thabo Mbeki) refused to even acknowledge that crime was a problem and thus the problem kept on escalating.

However, the problem has become so major, and in the face of SA been awarded the opportunity to host 2010 World Cup Soccer, there are not many politicians left hanging on to this rediculous point of view (MBeki's words was: "Crime is a problem of perceptions" and the police chief told critics to leave the country)

Although there has not been done any scientific studies, there is a case to be made for the link between
Transformation (removing former competent white people and replacing them with black people with competence only as the second criteria to be considered)
A massive breakdown is service and management competence (commonly refered to in government circles as "Lack of Capacity")

Someone else's detailed review of South Africa's transition to democracy:

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